74% of Scarborough residents are visible minorities compared to 39% of Toronto centre. We are what makes Toronto multicultural. Witness us.
[wpcdt-countdown id=”42″]
Below the City at Nuit Blanche Scarborough will celebrate Scarborough for what it really is—a dynamic and vibrant place built on a continuum of migration. Overshadowed by the urban centre, the suburbs are often considered plain and lackluster, with downtown credited for Toronto’s source of culture and diversity. But, inside our quiet houses, tucked away in plazas and along our roads are new ideas and activities drawn from diverse backgrounds.
Migration is not the start and end of a journey, but a collection of experiences and values that evolve through generations. Lee will recognize Scarborough as a unique cultural hub by creating a larger-than-life vinyl mesh installation. Durable and low-cost, vinyl is commonly used as signage for its mobility and adaptability. Using this as metaphor, Lee will blend personal photographs of Scarborough with those from the community to bear witness to Scarborough as source of cultural inspiration for today’s Toronto.
Borough Drive (Scarborough Civic Centre)
Saturday, October 5, 2019
See the onging photographs of Scarborough suburbs on Instgram @belowthecityart and follow updates on Twitter@belowthecityart. Some of these photos, including yours (see below), will be used to create this years Nuit Blanche Scarborough art installation!
Participate (By Sept. 14th)
This is a project about the Scarborough community and Lee invites all who have connection here to contribute to this art installation. What is your favorite memory here? What do you want people to see about this place? Send him your favorite photographs of Scarborough and I will try my best to include into the installation! [fu-upload-form form_layout=”media” title=”PHOTO(S):”]
[input type=”text” name=”post_title” class=”required” id=”name” description=”Your Full Name”]
[input type=”text” name=”author_email” class=”required” description=”Email address”]
[textarea name=”post_content” class=”required” id=”photo-text” description=”What is the story behind this photo?”]
[input type=”file” name=”post_title” id=”my-photo-submission” description=”Your Photo(s) *higher the resolution, the better” multiple=”multiple” class=”required” ]
[checkboxes name=”consent1″ values=”i-agree-NB: Please include these photos as part of Nuit Blanche!*” class=”required”]
[checkboxes name=”consent2″ values=”i-agree-Future: Please also include these photos as part of future community art projects!*”]
[checkboxes name=”consent3″ values=”i-agree-Story: Please also share the story behind the photo(s)!”]
[input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Submit”]
*obligatory legal🧐: you own the photos and let me use it as part of my art anywhere without time limits🤝
Esmond Lee is an artist, photographer, and architect who grew-up and still lives in Scarborough. He is proud to create socially engaged and hyperlocal work that strengthens his community. Lee relates to the underrecognized, the underrepresented, and the underdogs. Take a look at his other works on the suburban experience at
Reach Lee at contact [at]
Supported by Toronto Arts Council Strategic Fund